Welcome to the fifth issue of Malaysian Construction Research Journal (MCRJ). The editorial team would like to extend our gratitude to all contributing authors and reviewers for their contributions, continuous support and comments. It is hope that the readers will find beneficial information from this edition of MCRJ. A total of 6 papers will be discussed further in this issue.
Mashitah Mat Don, et. al. studies the chemical and mineralogical of recycled aggregates from concrete based-waste materials. Recycled aggregates from concrete basedwaste materials of demolition sites were found to be contaminated with hydrated cement paste and minor quantities of other substances.
H.Hamza, et. al. evaluates the alkali-silica reactivity (ASR) characteristics of aggregate samples from Sabah using simple chemical method. Petrographical studies and chemical tests were performed on sandstones and granite rocks obtained near Kota Kinabalu and results show that a number of specimens are potentially reactive. |