Welcome to the twenty-third (23rd) issue of Malaysian Construction Research Journal (MCRJ). In this issue, we are pleased to include six papers that cover wide range of research area in construction industry. The editorial team would like to express our sincere gratitude to all contributing authors and reviewers for their contributions, continuous support and comments.
In this issue:
Siti Noor Linda Taib et al., studied on strength evaluation of stabilized tropical fibrous peat samples under short and long-term performance conditions. The cement stabilized peat samples were prepared and tested to study their shear strength characteristics by performing triaxial compression tests in isotropic consolidated undrained (CIU) and isotropic consolidated drained (CID). The reduction factor for the effective friction angle of cement stabilized peat ranged from 0.81 to 0.97; while the ratio between CID and CIU tests results for effective cohesion of cement stabilized peat has an average additional factor of 2.44. |