MCRJ Volume 16 No. 1 2015
Hardback / 110 pages
ISSN Number
1985 - 3807
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Welcome to the sixteenth issue of Malaysian Construction Research Journal (MCRJ). In this issue, we are pleased to include another six papers that cover wide range of research area in construction industry. the editorial team would like to express our sincere gratitude to all contributing authors and reviewers for their contributions, continuous support and comments. It is hope that readers will ind informative articles from this edition of MCRJ. In this issue;
Raza Ali Khan, et. al. present an empirical examination of Malaysian Construction Sector (MCS), through the development of a time series model equation under vector error correction (VEC) system. The estimated model is able to develop the impulse response functions (IRFs) for the purpose of examining the behavior and response of MCS against the positive shocks produced in other major sectors of the economy and vice versa. The results suggest that the MCS is relatively small in size and contribution to GDP; however, it has strong correlation and long and short run association with all major sectors of the economy. |
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