MCRJ Volume 29 No. 3 2019
Hardback / 124 pages
ISSN Number
1985 - 3807
eISSN Number
2590 - 4140
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Welcome to the twenty-ninth (29áµ—Ê°) issue of Malaysian Construction Research Journal (MCRJ). In this issue, we are pleased to include eight papers that cover a wide range of research areas in construction industry. The editorial team would like to express our sincere gratitude to all contributing authors and reviewers for their contributions, continuous support and comments.
In this issue:
Agus Maryoto et al., investigated the behaviour of beam-column joint of recycled tyre as reinforcement bars in precast. The reinforcement bar used is four plain steel bars with a diameter of 8 mm. The reliability of the joint connection is determined by using the flexural strength test. The results show the average of compressive strength of three different cylinders is 16.4 MPa which exceeds the designed concrete of 15 MPa. In term of rupture behaviour of specimen, the proposed by connection model for joint beam-column is suitable to be applied in the simple structure made of concrete reinforced with recycled tyre. Another finding in this study is the flexural strength can increase the capacity of the structure to resist earthquake loads. |
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